This Week at Metropolitan: March 9-13


Thank you to everyone who came to the parent coffee, or Puppets and Pizza!


Please check in our Covid-19 Update. I will continue adding information as it changes. Our latest update regards additional exclusion criteria for respiratory symptoms (see below). The goal at this point is containment and slowing the spread (especially to higher risk populations). If your child has any of these symptoms, in addition to our regular exclusion criteria, please keep them home.

If your child comes to school with respiratory symptoms, especially if they can not manage their fluids, we will call you to pick them up. We appreciate keeping your children with uncontrollable runny noses, sneezing or coughing home until their symptoms subside.


Monday, 3/9 cereal bars

Tuesday, 3/10 crackers and cheese

Wednesday, 3/11 clementines and cheerios

Thursday, 3/12 bananas and chex cereal

Friday, 3/13 craisins and rice rollers

On the Schedule:

School Photos are next week (March 18 and 19). Mark your calendars for the Butterfly art show on March 19 at 9:30 am..

In the Classrooms:

The Sprouts and Caterpillars are moving into their weeks of color study. This week they are diving into Yellow!

The Bees will begin talking about rainbows.

Our Ladybugs continue their deep dive into Fairytales.

Fireflies finished their baking unit and will join the Bees in discovering more about rainbows.

Butterflies are talking about the letter Jj and continuing their artist study by talking about Calder, in preparation for their art show this month.

Check back this week as I add photos!

Warmly, Kristen