
Sandbox Summer Camp

Sandbox Summer Camp offers weekly sessions, during the month of June. The camp day runs from 9am to 12:30pm. 

Sandbox Summer Camp is designed to provide a happy, exciting, and fun camp experience for children ages 2 through 5 (*age range may differ for currently enrolled or incoming students). Experienced Metropolitan Nursery School staff will provide a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities, with time to explore, play and make friends.  Children will enjoy daily water play on our shaded playground plus a weekly movement program. A morning snack is provided and children bring their own lunch except on special lunch days.

For students 4 and older, our camp sometimes runs during the week of NUMC’s Vacation Bible School (dates TBD). If you would prefer to register your older child for VBS please visit the church’s website.

Enrollment Information

Tuition for summer camp is $315 for each full 1-week session and prorated for abbreviated sessions. Applicants will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Once enrolled, the school will email out welcome emails and invoices by the beginning of May. Full payment is due by May 16th (no refunds will be offered after payment is made). Children who are toilet-trained and have turned three by June 1, 2025, are eligible to attend. ALL students enrolled during the 24-25 school-year are eligible to attend (regardless of birthday or potty training progress).

The link to enroll is for 2025 Sandbox Summer will be shared with current families via email and will go live HERE on the 30th of Jan—AT THIS TIME ALL WEEKS ARE FULL FOR JUNE 2025. Once weeks are full, they will be removed as an option for enrollment. If you would like to be put on the waitlist please email office@metropolitannurseryschool.org.

The dates and rates for the 2025 weekly session are:

  • May 27-May 30, $252

  • June 2-June 6, $315

  • June 9-June 13, $315

  • June 16-18, June 20 (no camp Juneteenth), $252

  • June 23 June 27, $315


 No payment is required to register. Once enrolled, the school will send out welcome emails and invoices by May 9th. Full payment is due by May 16th (no refunds will be offered after payment is made).