Welcome to the blog and upcoming events!

I think one of the most important aspects of nursery school is learning how to be comfortable being involved in your child’s education. Nursery school is the perfect time to do this, since the events are generally fun and the children are adorable…or, in some cases, the children are terrible, and the the event will be a safe place where you can commiserate with other adults and realize you’re not alone. With that in mind, we have tried to create a series of events that offer a variety of ways to be involved with the school. The events are during the day and in the evening, some are for parents and children and some are just for parents. We considered your recommendations and insight to plan the program of activities and hope you have a chance to participate in some or all of the events. Below is our planned list of activities for the rest of 2018:

  • October 18- 7PM- Parent Wine Social at the Baine’s- RSVP Here!

  • October 26th- 6PM- Our first annual Trunk-or-Treat

  • October 30th- Yellow Class Halloween celebration (details to follow)

  • October 31st- 9:30AM Halloween Parade and 11AM early dismissal all students.

  • November 7th- 2PM to 7PM- Blood Drive in honor of Christian Broder

  • November 8th- 7PM to 8PM- Dr. Steve presentation on Parenting and Mindfulness, a perfect crash course before the holidays. RSVP here!

  • December 19th- 9:30AM- Christmas Concert (regular dismissal day following concert).

  • Book Club and Parenting Classes will start in 2019! More details coming soon.